The EazyFind Story

Ever had one of those a-ha moments?
Well I did, and that's when the concept of EazyFind was born.

As I opened my mailbox I remembered the pile of shoes that I saw on my daughter's closet floor two days earlier. I closed the mailbox then opened it again. Since I'm in the box business I stood and stared at the mailbox thinking, can I do this in corrugated? That evening I sketched out my idea for a box that would open like my mailbox. It worked, and I thought "How cool would it be to have a photograph on the front". The material was there so I added a window.

I now had a drop-front opening box, with a place for a photograph of its contents. But I noticed that I could incorporate one more important feature that is lacking in almost all other boxes. If you look at what's available for shoe storage, they all say stackable, but that only means that one box sits on top of another. If your shoe choice is in the middle or on the bottom of the stack you need to move boxes and remove the lid/top to get to them. Interlocking stacking tabs were easy to add to the new design, and because of the drop-front opening, our box would provide easy access without creating clutter or disrupting the column.

Viola! I had designed the perfect answer for shoe lovers, EazyFind. – Bill Goodman

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Organizer's News

Monday, February 7, 2011

Conquering Closet Clutter

We have had several reviews, all 5 stars, from women that are using EazyFind to eliminate the clutter that their shoes create on their closet floor.  Many say that after a hard days work they just want to take their shoes off and relax when they get home, so they go to their closet and kick them into a pile along with the rest of their shoes.

The trouble with this habit is that shoes are the last thing that you put on every day.  The next time you get dressed you are usually in a hurry when it comes time to put your shoes on.  You waste time digging and searching in the clutter for the pair that you need to go with your outfit.

If you have your shoes in boxes you can't remember which box the pair that you need is in.  And why is it that when you find the right box, it's always on the bottom of the stack???  Rummaging through boxes always means  shoes, boxes and lids everywhere.  Since you are in a hurry you just push everything back against the wall and think "I'll be late, I can take care of this later".

Sound familiar?  If it is, I would like to hear from you.  I'm hearing that a lot of you have the same experience.  For example:  Two women miles apart, Terry and Lisa, both have told me that they bought two pairs of the same shoe and didn't realize it until they organized their shoe collection in their new Eazyfind boxes.  Both say that they must have liked the shoes, but they really Love EazyFind!

Have you had this experience?  Please share your story, we want to hear it.  Bill G


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